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GANSHORN PowerCube Diffusion+
Accurate and reliable analysers enable a high-resolution display of the wash-in curves of CO and helium.
Any existing diffusion and distribution disorders become immediately visible. Our system's demand valve regulates the gas intake, providing economical benefits.
- No volume calibration needed
- Determination of diffusion capacity (TLCO) and helium-FRC SB in accordance with ERS/ATS standard
- Continuous display of the exhalation concentrations of CO and helium for the precise differentiation of dead space and alveolar plateau
- Economical measurement of gas consumption
- Optimisation of the breathing manoeuvres aided by informative assistance diagrams
- Fast multigas CO analyser
- Real-time molar mass helium analyser
- Detect diffusion and distribution disorders at a glance
- Assistance diagrams optimize breathing manoeuvre
- 3D swivel arm: flexible, height-adjustable interface
- Real-time breath: for patients that are unable to hold their breath for a prolonged period
- Measurement can be carried out without breath being held
- Intelligent Demand Valve (IDV) secures patient, lowers the cost per test, and optimises gas usage
SCHILLER reserves the right to make changes in design, specifications and features shown, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. Images may be representative. Device availability in your market is subject to regulatory approval.
Highly accurate and precise ultrasound
Maintenance free
Fast semi-automatic gas calibration