DEFIGARD Touch 7 in a Swiss rescue helicopter on Swiss TV channels


Over Pentecost, the Swiss TV channels Tele M1 and TeleZüri published a series about the SCHILLER customer Alpine Air Ambulance.

Over Pentecost, the Swiss TV channels Tele M1 and TeleZüri published a series about the SCHILLER customer Alpine Air Ambulance. In the second part, which was broadcast yesterday, Whit Monday, in the evening news at 6 p.m., you can see and hear our DEFIGARD Touch 7.

Click here to go directly to the second Tele M1 report with the DEFIGARD Touch 7 in the rescue helicopter (mainly spoken in Swiss German). The DEFIGARD Touch 7 is in the picture from 1:49, from 4:05 even directly in focus.

The first article in the series is linked here, but it does not feature any SCHILLER devices.

The reports were recorded by Joel Dätwyler from Tele M1.



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